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2024 Bright Futures Gala - A Wish for the Future

The 2024 Bright Futures Gala was a beautiful celebration of Montessori education and our school community. During the event, we premiered this video about how Montessori prepares children for the unknowns of the future. 

The Future is Bright

Two videos brought our school's mission to life during the 2022 Bright Futures Gala. "The Junior High Move" celebrates an historic moment in the growth of our school and "The Future is Bright" features our students - the very reason our school exists and why we give to our Bright Futures Fund. Enjoy these videos below!

Independence, a fundamental concept within Montessori education

This video series illustrates how independence is fostered in each of the classrooms at The Children’s House. Our classrooms have intentional and developmentally appropriate ways to foster independence at each age level. We hope this series sparks your interest and desire to learn even more about Montessori and how your child benefits from their prepared environment. 


Montessori Up Close Recordings

Boy with Montessori color cards

Fostering Independence with Megan Andrews, Primary Guide

For families with children ages 2.5 to 5 years

Zoom recording

toddler girl with Montessori learning tools, tolieting

Toilet Independence with Jenny Lamble and Jeanette Kania, YCC Guides

For families with children under the age of three

Zoom recording

Lower elementary guide and students doing science montessori.jpg

Assessment with Sandra Besselsen, Elementary Guide

For families with kindergarten and elementary age children

Zoom recording

Baby in Montessori environment healthy sleeping


Healthy Sleep Habits with Britny Tollstam, Nido Guide

For families with infants and young toddlers.

Zoom recording


Digging the Wells of the Future, with McKeel Hagerty

We recorded this thoughtful and inspiring presentation by McKeel Hagerty to share with our whole school community. Here is the book list that was recommended during the conversation: The Inevitable by Kevin Kelly, What’s the Future by Tim O’Reilly, Futureproof by Kevin Roose, Road to Character by David Brooks, Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, and A More Beautiful Question by Warren Berger.

Zoom Recording

Other Community Learning: 


Be SMART with Kira Walkup

Kira Walkup is the local representative of the national Be SMART campaign. She join us via Zoom on February 7 to lead an opportunity for adults to learn more about the Be SMART campaign and how our community can make a difference in keeping children safe by normalizing the expectation that guns are to be securely stored away from children. 

Zoom Recording
