Ravenna - The Children's House

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School Forms and Directory

Each year, before your child's first day of school, log in to Ravenna to complete all required forms, update contact and release information, and sign permissions and releases.

To update contact and release information: click on the "Parents" tab in Ravenna. Double click on your child's name then click on Emergency & Pickup Contacts. When making edits, you should also email your child's guide and learn@traversechildrenshouse.org to alert them of the changes. 

To update your own contact information: click on the "My Account" tab in Ravenna and the "Personal Information."

You can also access our school directory in Ravenna in the "Parents" tab. 

The following forms are provided as separate downloadable PDFs and are not in Ravenna.
For more information on the purpose of these forms, please read the School Handbook