Re-Enroll - The Children's House

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2025-2026 Re-enrollment Period: February 10 - March 1

To launch the 2025-26 school year, several important dates and action items will need your attention.

On February 10, current families are invited to log into Ravenna to re-enroll by March 1. Confirming re-enrollment by the March 1 deadline is essential before applicants are admitted.

  1. Once you are logged into Ravenna, click on the "Parents" tab at the top of the page.
  2. Then click on "Forms" in the left navigation.
  3. Complete the 2025-26 Re-Enrollment form assigned to your child and pay the deposit.

Sibling Enrollment
If your family would like to enroll a sibling as a new student, please complete an application in Ravenna by March 1. 

Tuition Assistance
To apply for tuition assistance, please follow the steps outlined on our Tuition Assistance webpage by March 3. 

Summer 2025
Our summer program will run for 10 weeks this year, from Monday, June 16, through Thursday, August 21, with a closure on Friday, July 4. Register online between February 10 and March 1. Program details and registration links can be found on our Summer Program webpage. 

Important Deadlines

  • February 10 – March 1: Re-enrollment for current students and new sibling applications

  • February 10 – March 1: Summer program registration for current, re-enrolled students

  • March 3: Tuition Assistance applications are due

  • March 21: Tuition assistance award letters emailed

  • April 4: Deadline to accept tuition assistance award

Class Placement
If your child is moving up to a new classroom in the fall, class placement will be announced in July. You may find it helpful to review our Class Placement Process and our Admission Policy

We look forward to learning and growing with your family in the 2025-26 school year. Please reach out to us with any questions. 


Michele Shane                                         Renee Hintz
Head of School                                        Director of Advancement