Re-Enroll - The Children's House


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2024-2024 Re-enrollment Period: February 15 - March 1

Our 40th anniversary school year will commence on September 3, 2024! We are so happy you are part of our school’s story and future. 

On February 15, current families will be invited to log into our new student information system to re-enroll by March 1.  

It is essential to confirm re-enrollment and make a $500 deposit per child by the March 1 deadline before new students are admitted. Our updated tuition sheets and school year calendar are attached to this email for your review. 

Sibling Enrollment
If your family would like to enroll a sibling as a new student, please complete an application by March 1. 

Tuition Assistance
To apply for tuition assistance, please follow the steps outlined on our Tuition Assistance webpage by March 4.

Summer 2024
Preference for summer registration is given to current families who have re-enrolled for the 2024-25 school year. Program information and registration will be available online on February 15. Be sure to secure your summer schedule by March 1.

Important deadlines

  • February 15 – March 1: Re-enrollment for current students and new sibling applications
  • February 15 – March 1: Summer program registration for current, re-enrolled students
  • March 4: Tuition assistance applications due
  • March 21: Tuition assistance award letters emailed
  • April 4: Deadline to sign tuition agreements and accept tuition assistance awards
  • June 1: Deadline to make any changes to the tuition agreement or to withdraw without penalty

Class Placement
For children moving up to a new classroom in the fall, class placement will be announced in July. Please review our Class Placement Process.

Admission Policy
admission policy has been updated to better reflect and support our commitment to the mixed-age classroom and the importance of the Kindergarten year.

We look forward to our 40th anniversary school year with your family!


Michele Shane                                         Renee Hintz
Head of School                                        Director of Advancement