Children's House Parent Association (CHiPA) welcomes all parents to be involved in the life of our school. Parents are invited to participate by attending monthly CHiPA meetings and attending and/or volunteering at school events. To learn more about CHiPA, please view our organizational structure and parent volunteer leadership roles.
CHiPA meeting schedule for the 2024-25 school year:
First Wednesday of each month at 8:30 a.m.
In the community room and on Zoom. (Meeting ID: 844 1011 5400.)
Meeting dates with links to agendas and notes:
- Sept 11, Oct 2, Nov 6, Dec 4, Jan 8, Feb 5, Mar 5, Apr 2, and May 7.
- To submit an agenda item, please contact Renee.
Sign Up
Get involved by volunteering. Please let us know your interests and availability:
Staff Snack Stash: Sign Up Here
11/9/24 Horizon Books Day: Log into Ravenna and click on Volunteer to sign up
Work Coop & Substitute
Working in our school as a front desk person (one day a week) or substitute classroom support person can be very rewarding as a parent. Being a sub is a flexible position that helps you earn credit toward your student’s tuition and gives you a glimpse into the daily life of a Montessori classroom. Email Kim Gallagher,, if you want to know more about this opportunity.