Get Involved - The Children's House

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Get Involved

Children's House Parent Association (CHiPA) welcomes all parents to be involved in the life of our school. Parents are invited to participate by attending monthly CHiPA meetings and attending and/or volunteering at school events. To learn more about CHiPA, please view our organizational structure and parent volunteer leadership roles.  

CHiPA meeting schedule for the 2024-25 school year:

First Wednesday of each month at 8:30 a.m.
In the community room and on Zoom. (Meeting ID: 844 1011 5400.)

Meeting dates with links to agendas and notes: 

Sign Up

Get involved by volunteering. Please let us know your interests and availability: 

Volunteer Interest Form

Upcoming sign-ups:

Staff Snack StashSign Up Here

11/9/24 Horizon Books Day: Log into Ravenna and click on Volunteer to sign up

Work Coop & Substitute 

Working  in our school as a front desk person (one day a week) or substitute classroom support person can be very rewarding as a parent. Being a sub is a flexible position that helps you earn credit toward your student’s tuition and gives you a glimpse into the daily life of a Montessori classroom. Email Kim Gallagher,, if you want to know more about this opportunity. 

Work Cooperative Application