Safety Drills - The Children's House

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Safety Drills

A written crisis management plan outlines the school’s procedures in the event of various situations that could potentially threaten the building or the students and employees. The plan is written and managed by the Director of Operations in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security, Grand Traverse Department of Emergency Services and Traverse City Area Public Schools. Parents may review a copy of the plan upon request.

Students learn important life skills during all of our safety drills which include fire drills, wind drills, and lock-down drills. During the drills children learn to listen carefully, follow directions, keep quiet, and stay away from dangerous situations. We discuss these concepts prior to all of the drills and reinforce that the staff at TCH are all here to ensure everyone’s safety with solid plans in place to do so. A list of completed drills are posted on the school’s website.

Fire Drills

Six school-wide fire drills are conducted throughout the year. The drill is initiated by a fire alarm which can be heard throughout the entire building. Children exit directly out of their classroom doors and proceed to the soccer field where attendance is taken. The school alarm automatically notifies an alarm monitor company which reports to the Traverse City fire department.

Drill Dates:  February 8, 2021. April 14, 2021. July 23, 2021, September 16, 2021, October 12, 2021, November 12, 2021. March 31, 2022. May 23, 2022. September 20, 2022. October 11, 2022, November 1, 2022. March 21, 2023. May 9, 2023. August 18, 2023. September 19, 2023. October 19, 2023. November 15, 2023. March 21, 2024. July 10, 2024. September 19, 2024.   November 13, 2024.

Wind Drills

Wind drills are practiced three times a year as students practice procedures for protection during wind threats. Several wind shelters are designated throughout the building and are posted on the wall in each classroom. A weather alert monitor is on stand-by in the office at all times.

Drill Dates:  March 21, 2021. April 28, 2021, June 1, 2021. March 30, 2022, June 1, 2022. March 24, 2023. May 23, 2023.  March 22, 2024.  June 4, 2024. 

Lock Down Procedures

Lock down drills are reviewed twice a year by faculty and staff. During the review, the staff practices locking the entire building and classrooms and goes over how to keep children out of sight. 

Drill Dates:  October 15, 2021, February 18, 2022, June 15, 2022, September 27, 2022, February 17, 2023. April 4, 2023. October 20, 2023.  February 16, 2024. April 16, 2024. 

Gun Policy

Guns are prohibited in the school or on school premises.

The dates when these drills occur are posted on this page after the drill has taken place. Please contact Kim Gallagher with questions.